Global Policy Talk Series was hosted by the Centre for Public Policy and Governance. We had the privilege of hosting three distinguished speakers. This inaugural talk was on 3rd April, 2022.
Our inaugural talk featured Prof. Alasdair Roberts, a Canadian luminary from the School of Public Policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Prof. Roberts, shared profound insights drawn from his extensive work in public policy. He is author of America’s First Great Depression, The End of Protest and Strategies for Governing Reinventing Public Administration for a Dangerous Century. Prof. Roberts, shared profound insights drawn from his extensive work in public policy.
Next in line was Prof. B. Guy Peters, the Maurice Falk Professor of Government at the University of Pittsburgh, USA. Prof. Peters, a renowned figure in governance studies, brought his wealth of knowledge to the series, offering a captivating exploration of government structures and processes.
The third talk was a captivating exploration led by Prof. Meghna Sabharwal, a distinguished professor at The University of Texas at Dallas, specializing in the Public and Nonprofit Management program. The focal point of this discussion was “Women and Work,” unraveling the intricate dynamics that shape this pivotal aspect of societal progress.
Link to the video: